So my Boo performed live on stage in downtown Helena last night. Our intention was to go to Winter Fest at Creekview Elementary but when we got there and there was no place to park (other than hwy 17 practically) Elizabeth and I decided to take the girls to The Depot. When that suggestion was verbalized Elizabeth I and I both held our breath waiting for the objections. Ellie decided to do the unexpected and said "Elizabeth that is the best idea"! Whew....
So we go to the The Depot and I introduce Liz to my usual menu selection- the Philly Cheesesteak add jalapenos and ranch on the side. She went with the half and half onion rings and fries. I know better than to add extra grease to the cheese and jalapenos so I went ala carte. The girls ordered their usual and we headed to a table with 6 chairs- one for each of us and our purses sat in the other 2. We so enjoyed our meal; it was fantastic. Several more parties had entered the restaurant and it finally occured to me that we should probably vacate the 6 top and move on. I mentioned this to Liz and she said "is that why those people are staring at us"? I jumped up to refill my tea and prepared to move on. SJ was still nibbling on her chicken tenders so we moved over to the closest 4 top. I'm not sure what all happened but there was a lot of confusion. Ellie had decided against the usual ice cream treat for dessert and opted for a $1 bouncy ball out of the machine which only took quarters. I had 3 quarters and was fumbling around for another when a nice man handed me his change (as if to say "here take it get the prize and get the heck outta here")...SJ opted for the ice cream but came back with a 9 inch popsicle that was just too much. After a couple of bites she was done. We didn't want to throw it away so we let Ellie have a stab at it.
We grabbed our coats and headed over to Wildflower. Jennifer Parrish told Liz that she and Tyler would be there making candles and they had a band playing outside. We visited with Jennifer for a few minutes while the kids went in an out, in and out....making me nervous that something would be broken in the store. We decided to let the girls listen to the band for a few minutes and by this time there was just a girl and her acoustic guitar. She was really good and reminded me of Taylor Swift. She was taking requests so I told Ellie to ask her if she knows any Taylor Swift. The singer-girl (as Ellie refers to musicians who sing) said yes, would you like to join me on stage to help? Ellie looked at me with maybe a 1/2 ounce of nervousness and then headed for the stage. They discussed their options and decided on the princess song...not sure of the exact title. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't think about my camera in my purse that I could use to video this milestone. Her daddy would have been all over it, making sure that pictures were taken and the whole thing would be captured on video. After Ellie and Alexa sang their duet, SJ joined them for "Our Song". Ellie either knows every word to a song or none of the words....well she knows none of "our song". SJ knew some of the words and hummed the rest. They had a great time and I was beaming. I was so wishing Lamar could have been there, but he had a gig of his own in Adger. I was so disgusted with myself for not getting all on video. Thankfully Mandee did; I don't know her but I am so glad she got the video and emailed it so quickly. Of course Liz made sure it got to my inbox! I have attached a small sample...