Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shake it, don't break it...

Since Ellie was able to speak, I thought about starting a blog. I needed some way to document all of the ellie-isms that come out of her mouth. She's 5 now and I hope I am not too late. I hurt my back at zumba class yesterday and have been instructed by my doctor friend to stay in the bed for at least 24 hrs. Lamar says I should stay here the rest of today but I think by this evening I should be ready to get up and move around at least a little bit. I am planning to call the chiropractors office early tomorrow morning to find out if the injury involves muscle or spine. I have improved by about 10% since yesterday; I cried like a baby every time I had to get up or down yesterday. Today I can at least reposition myself in the bed without experiencing excruciating pain.

I must say that my friends are first-class. Ms. Jenni got on the phone right away to find out what I should do first. She talked to her PT friend and got a chiropractor on the phone ASAP. She brought dinner to Lamar and me which was flipping awesome! My nick-name for her is Betty Fu%$&^% Crocker, which is a huge compliment!

Without hesitation Elizabeth said she would take Ellie to Samantha's birthday party and from there would take her home, feed her and let her sleep over so that I could rest and Lamar could be my bi-otch...just kidding, Liz just knows how much of a Diva I can be...

Melissa called and offered an ice-pack thing, which came in handy since my home-made icepack made from a ziploc leaked all in the bed and I couldn't really feel how wet it was because my bottom was numb....of course the medicine Lisa gave me out the biggest dent in the pain and allowed me to finally get some rest last night. Rhea was ready to bring over some creme but I couldn't let her do that; she has 2 babies in diapers and Rakesh made me feel better by explaining that he had been in this situation and gave me the number for his chiropractor. For some reason I trust Dr. Patel; maybe it's becasue he is a scientist....and he has a british accent that makes everything he says the gospel.

I have to end this post with an Ellie-ism (the reason for the blog). As Ellie explained to Alli what happened to my back she said "My mom was teaching zumba and she hurted her back. All of the sudden it popped and she said 'holy mother of hot-wigs'..."


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I have been doing it for a few years now and I love it. Check mine
    Get better soon!

  2. Okay, so love the blog...and the Ellie-ism was hilarious...I think I'm going to have to start using that saying all the time now!!! I'll call you tomorrow to see how you are you!

  3. That is too funny, Lori. Not that you hurt your back of course, but the succint way in which Ellie summed it all up, and love that expression of yours, LOL!
