Where have I been? I absolutely love this blogging thing but I have been so busy I haven't had time to post! Lets see...I started to post about Teeka, the bunny that Ellie created at Lacey's birthday party. I really need to post a picture of the bunny that was almost named Jesus and turned out looking like a hoochie mama! It was our first experience at the Build a Bear workshop and I was not disappointed. I can't wait to go back and buy a new outfit for Teeka! The guy hosting the party was a trip! He was so full of energy and excitement in the beginning, but by the end, his eyes were as big as half-dollars and he was so over the kids.
I think the whole idea is precious; they stuffed and fluffed their animals and got to pick out the perfect outfit. All but one of the girls picked something pink or purple for their animals; there were pink tu-tus, pink short sets, and then there was Teeka's outfit which was black and white animal print. Ellie said that it was something Elizabeth would wear (Ellie loves Elizabeth's style)! It was hilarious. Accessories were not included, but we had to complete the outfit. So, Ellie picked out the perfect pair of gold glittery shoes...the ensemble is great! We will find out if I can post the pic later- it is a must-see!
Of course I also wanted to write more about my ailments. In addition to the strained back, I have the h. pylori bacteria taking over my digestive system. When I went in to the Dr's office to get my lab results, I told her about my back injury and how I had been to the chiropractor. She went into the plan of care for the h pylori. I have to take 4 pills in the morning and 4 at night for 2 weeks. Then I will continue to take prevacid for 6 more weeks. She informed me that I didn't need to take ibuprofen or aleve; it will further irritate my stomach. I explained that the few pain pills I had taken had nearly stopped my digestive tract (if you know what I mean) and I just didn't know what I was supposed to do. She then told me that my cholesterol was up a little and that the HDLs, which are super, are down and that's not the direction I need to be going. I explained that I am an RD and I know what I should eat, but that sometimes it is easier to grab something not-so-nutritious. She said that I needed to try and then just shook her head. At this point I am throwing my own little pity party, tears and all. I'm sure she thinks I am a total mess. In hind sight I was just tired of hearing and feeling what's wrong with me! I have belly-ached (literally) for 2 months, jammed my back the previous week and didn't think I would ever feel like myself again. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! I like a break now and then, but not like this!
It has been almost 3 weeks since I jammed my back and I am finally able to zumba again. I am only 3 days into the antibiotics, however. I waited until after labor day since alcohol doesn't mix with megadoses of antibiotics. Besides, I couldn't let my health crash the party in Atlanta! And let me tell you, the Atlanta trip will have a dedicated post!
Please post a picture of Teeka. I need to see this!
ReplyDeleteI hope that your stomach is feeling better now that you are on the antibiotics. Let me know if you need anything.
Love you!
I just found this comment section. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up the blog. I'm trying though and I am definitely going to post a pic of Teeka