We are 3 weeks into football season and we finally got together with the neighbors to eat chicken wings and let the kids run wild. They all played well together for the most part but at some point I made Ellie decide that she "don't want a momma like you". Now I remember...David came downstairs to update us on what the little kids were doing and all I remember hearing is "Ellie cut Milo's hair". Then fear came over me that maybe Milo wasn't the only one getting a haircut. Ellie, Alli, and Sarah Jessica all have long hair and no bangs. So I ran upstairs as if someone's hair was on fire to find that the scissors they were using were the little nail scissors that come in the infant manicure set. Whew! That was close. Once I knew that no damage had been done, I let them have it, especially Ellie. I wanted to make sure she knew that she better never cut her own hair or anybody else's...and to never let her friends talk her into it. She didn't like what I had to say so she gave me a dirty look and then said "I don't want a momma like you". So I responded "would you rather have a momma that let's you walk around looking like an idiot"? I didn't get my point across, because what she heard was me calling her an idiot (in hind sight I shouldn't have argued with a 5 year old)...anyway moving on....
Later in the day, the boys went home to rest and the girls continued to play. They played dress-up and then decided to karaoke. Well, they weren't sharing so Elizabeth told them that if they didn't share she would take the karaoke machine and nobody would get to play. Sassy Ellie responds "I guess you are going to put it in the stupid garbage can". Liz said "No, I'll let your daddy decide what to do with it" (Lamar was resting at the time). I chimed in "we're having a garage sale- we can sell it" to which Ellie responded "HOW ABOUT I SELL YOU TO HEAVEN". When I asked her how she would feel if I really did go to heaven, she replied "I wouldn't miss you"....
Elizabeth talked her down a little bit so she came to apologize. At this point I am still rattled so Ellie gave me a peace sign with her fingers, but her face told me that she couldn't stand me at that moment (Elizabeth couldn't really see her 2 fingers so for a split second she thought Ellie may have flipped me off!). I returned the peace sign and said "peace out"...she had to have the last word so she gave me a "rock on" sign with her pinky and index finger and said "EXIT". And then it was over....at least the drama. Now I am just trying to figure out how to get this kid to understand that she can't tell her momma that she wants to sell her to heaven. Then again, it's better than her telling me to go to hell! What in the world am I going to do in 10 years. I am so glad I have Lamar to even us both out because when she hits puberty I will likely be menopausal....
At the end of the day I chalk it up to a BIG day of excitement which left her too tired to control herself. I'm sure her Aunt Charlene and Aunt Rainey will be appalled when they read this. If it makes you feel better, when I told her that I would be discussing it with her Daddy she begged me not to tell. This is not because she was afraid of a whoopin', but because she was ashamed....she does have a conscience...and I love her for who she is, attitude and all.
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