Fall is probably the busiest time of year but it is my favorite. I love watching college football, taking Ellie to the fall festival and pumpkin patch, and of course dressing up for Halloween. This year Ellie is determined to go as Hannah Montana. She wanted to last year but we found the "go-go fairy" costume that was too cute to pass up. I'll be heading to the store tomorrow to find a new wig. Her old blonde wig looks like rats took up residence. I am attaching pictures to illustrate...which reminds me what Ellie said while I was reading her a story tonight. About halfway through the book she said "they are really good illustrators". She likes to follow the story through the pictures, so this time she used a pretty big word in the right context!
There have been a few blog-worthy episodes that have occurred in the last month; I really should blog a little more often so that I can remember and it won't be such a daunting task...I have just been crazy busy with work. The good news is I am cutting back from 5 to 3 zumba classes each week. I love zumba and I enjoy teaching at the Hoover Rec. It's just a little too far to travel and it is cutting into my Ellie time. Starting in November, I'll be back to my Monday, Wed, and Saturday schedule at the Body Shop with an occasional subbing gig at the Hoover Rec.
I went to parenting day at school yesterday; we ate lunch and then went to the classroom to play math games. The kids got to choose which game to play and Ellie chose Candyland. The poor child doesn't have the original Candyland game (which is fine by me), just a winnie-the-pooh version we bought at a garage sale. It's worse than the original...anyway the highlight of the hour was hearing what Ellie told her teacher about her outfit. Ms Sisk was rockin' some boots with a cute dress and denim jacket. Ellie told her that she needed a country hat, some boots with points (toes), and a new attitude! Lately Ellie is all about fashion, especially Elizabeth's. Ellie loves Elizabeth's silver boots (they ARE freakn awesome- too bad my foot is twice the size of hers). She also loves Elizabeth's eyelashes and pretty much refers to her overall look as "country". Lately I am feeling like a fashion Loser; I barely have time for the basics much less a mani/pedi or highlights. I really need a day of beauty....
And last but not least, Ellie is "in Christ" with Tyler. I'm not sure what this means but I am guessing that she has told someone that she is in love with Tyler and they explained that we all love each other in Christ...just a guess. Anyway, to hear her tell it is pretty darn funny. It was also funny to hear about her playing school the other day. She lined up all of her stuffed animals and taught them for about 30 minutes. Lamar told her that if Monkey didn't behave, she could put him in time-out. She said "oh, that's Tyler...he's always monkeying around". When I got home, she was ready for bed but her classroom was still set up. All of her students were lined up and each had a sheet of paper that had been written on. I remember playing school but I was not that young and I didn't take the time use my stuffed animals as students. I would just pretend that I had an audience. I think this is a good sign that she is already more creative than I will ever be....
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