The World According to Boo...
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Boot's off and summer is on!
Boo didn't even give me a chance to blog about her recital. Instead, she decided to break her foot 2 days after. Phew! What if it had been 2 days before?! So, before I blog about the foot I have to backtrack a little and reflect on recital weekend. We hold our breath every year, hoping that the kids stay well so they can showcase their new moves in their flashy and pretty costumes. They really only get one shot a year and this year Ellie had 4 dances plus an extra special number that was featured in all 3 shows. That meant we had to be at the recital venue the entire weekend. I didn't realize that early on, so I didn't have time to dread it or fret about it too much. However, I was worried that Boo would be so worn out from rehearsals and the 2 extra shows that when it was time for her big show on Sunday, she (and I) would be exhausted and ornery. I couldn't have been more wrong in my thinking. She loved every minute of it. She got to see the older girls perform and got hang out with them back-stage. I didn't mind being there either. There was plenty of entertainment, on-stage and off. All of the hours spent there on Friday night and Saturday only prepared her more for Sunday. She danced pretty every time she stepped on the stage! And being the inexperienced dance mom that I am, I let the teachers coach her on how to improve. As it turns out, these tiny dancers respond better to them anyway. By Sunday, she was a pro and I was able to sit back with the whole family and just enjoy the show. The extra special number "Flourish" was actually Cinderella, which is a song about a dad's perspective as he watches his baby girl grow up. There were 5 dancers from age 3 to (around) 22 and let me tell you, not many dry eyes in the house after they performed. This is one recital we will never forget!
So back to the boot. The tiny dancer was so excited about the new dance they learned in class the following Tuesday, she couldn't wait to show us. I was at a zumba class and Lamar was busy in the garage. He told her to wait and do it inside (and not barefoot in the garage), but do you think she listened? Then bam, in an instant, she knew she was hurt. She couldn't put weight on the foot and she was worried about being immobilized for a period of time, just in time for summer break and all the fun activities that don't work so well when you have crutches or a boot. We went to the ER that night and left with crutches and orders to stay off the foot for 3 days and follow-up with ortho doc as soon as possible. They didn't see a crack in the foot at the ER, but the ortho did, so it was 2+ weeks in a boot, and then a follow-up x-ray. She got out of the boot this past Wednesday (Her dad took her and SJ to the pool right away- see smiles in related pic), but has to be very careful for 2-3 more weeks. I think she will! She has too much that she wants to do this summer and 3 weeks of crutches and boot was enough time for her to think about it all. Oh, I almost forgot. Her appendix is ok too. A day or so after her injury she said she pulled a muscle in her side...."you know, my appendix..." LOVE HER!!!!!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Queen Spelling Bee
Who knew that Boo would go from "I don't think I want to do the spelling bee" to finishing in the top 10?! I was fortunate enough to get to drive her to school on the day she was to compete in her classroom to determine who would go against 4th and 5th graders in the HIS spelling bee. We covered a whole lot in that little therapy session (it takes all of 5-10 minutes from our driveway to actual drop-off at school).
She had mentioned that she would be participating, but we didn't study for it. They must have done a lot at school, because my child was spelling words that I would have to double check the spelling on. After all, this is the first year of spelling tests. Throughout elementary school, "spelling test" was 2 bad words. They wanted the kids to focus on what they were trying to say in their creative writing, instead of worrying about the details of spelling. I get it and I bought in a long time ago. I just felt sorry for Boo and the anxiety she had about the spelling bee.
Now, back to the car ride to school. Out of nowhere, Ellie says "I don't think I want to do the spelling bee". I said "it's ok if you don't", while thinking to myself "how the heck do I not know that today is the spelling bee?" Trying not to be dismissive, I started asking questions...
Me: why don't you want to be in the spelling bee?
Ellie: I don't want to speak into the microphone.
Me: I understand; a lot of people don't like to speak into a microphone. They think it makes them sound funny, but really, it sounds like them, only louder.
Ellie: These words are 5th grade words....dictionary words! I'm in 3rd grade.....they want us to spell words like tambourine and zucchini!
Me: You don't have to do it if you don't want to. (afterall, if it was that important, I would've known it, right?!)
Ellie: yes I do, its too late to drop out....
Me: well, you'll have to talk to Mrs. Blackmon about that...but look on the bright side, if the words are that difficult, you'll only have to do it once....
Ellie: (Looking at me like I have 2 heads)...I don't want to get up there and get disqualified!!
And out the car she goes.
Later that day, I get an email from the teacher:
Mom, this is Ellie. I won the spelling bee! I spelled tambourine right!
2 weeks later (this past Friday), she made it to the 3rd round (and said she was one of the last 10 standing). This was out of 35 kids (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders).
I was so glad we had our little chat that day before the preliminary round!
She had mentioned that she would be participating, but we didn't study for it. They must have done a lot at school, because my child was spelling words that I would have to double check the spelling on. After all, this is the first year of spelling tests. Throughout elementary school, "spelling test" was 2 bad words. They wanted the kids to focus on what they were trying to say in their creative writing, instead of worrying about the details of spelling. I get it and I bought in a long time ago. I just felt sorry for Boo and the anxiety she had about the spelling bee.
Now, back to the car ride to school. Out of nowhere, Ellie says "I don't think I want to do the spelling bee". I said "it's ok if you don't", while thinking to myself "how the heck do I not know that today is the spelling bee?" Trying not to be dismissive, I started asking questions...
Me: why don't you want to be in the spelling bee?
Ellie: I don't want to speak into the microphone.
Me: I understand; a lot of people don't like to speak into a microphone. They think it makes them sound funny, but really, it sounds like them, only louder.
Ellie: These words are 5th grade words....dictionary words! I'm in 3rd grade.....they want us to spell words like tambourine and zucchini!
Me: You don't have to do it if you don't want to. (afterall, if it was that important, I would've known it, right?!)
Ellie: yes I do, its too late to drop out....
Me: well, you'll have to talk to Mrs. Blackmon about that...but look on the bright side, if the words are that difficult, you'll only have to do it once....
Ellie: (Looking at me like I have 2 heads)...I don't want to get up there and get disqualified!!
And out the car she goes.
Later that day, I get an email from the teacher:
Mom, this is Ellie. I won the spelling bee! I spelled tambourine right!
2 weeks later (this past Friday), she made it to the 3rd round (and said she was one of the last 10 standing). This was out of 35 kids (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders).
I was so glad we had our little chat that day before the preliminary round!
Zumba Baby!
March 2011
Boo and I had a ball yesterday at a Zumba master class benefitting the Strong Kids Campaign, a YMCA program that helps families financially with childcare, membership, and even pays for healthy snacks at some of the afterschool activities. Marcie Gill from Zumba Corporate came to lead the class and is amazing! check out the video!
Boo and I had a ball yesterday at a Zumba master class benefitting the Strong Kids Campaign, a YMCA program that helps families financially with childcare, membership, and even pays for healthy snacks at some of the afterschool activities. Marcie Gill from Zumba Corporate came to lead the class and is amazing! check out the video!
Back to School!
September 2010
I'm surprised I was even able to log back into this blog! It has been way too long and even though I have been to North Alabama and taught 2 zumba classes back to back, I knew I had to get in here and write!
Starting first grade and getting back into a routine has been quite difficult for Miss Priss this go 'round. We had such a great kindergarten experience; I guess I expected 1st grade to as well or better. Mrs. Sisk did an excellent job preparing the kids for 1st grade. Ellie knew that it would be a new ballgame but for some reason the thought of homework has really stressed this kid out! For the first 2 weeks she went on and on about homework (even though she didn't have any). She came home everyday talking about how hard 1st grade is and how she wanted to go back to kindergarten. She tried and tried to get out of class. She did overheat on the second day of school and I had to go pick her up, but the next couple of trips to the nurse's office had more to do with anxiety. She came home from school one day and informed Lamar and me that she had been "unconscious" at school that day. Of course I questioned her (I think the school would have called)...she clarified by saying "A-conscious"...again I didn't understand. Lamar translated and what she meant was that she was "anxious".
Back to school anxiety is normal so we expected it to pass. We were very disappointed to learn that Ellie's teacher would be out for a week and a half due to health concerns. She was expected to be back on the 30th, so I tried not to worry. Something told me that she would not be back but I kept hope alive. The week and a half felt like a month. Ellie cried everyday and complained of a stomach-ache. She also talked about the mean boys in her class and even called them bullies. Ellie is known to be a little dramatic so I didn't freak out. I tried to be there for her by taking her school when I could and eating lunch with her. The first time I drove her was dreadful. She did not want to go to school and asked if I would check her out. I had already explained the law, so she prefaced the request by saying "I know it's against the law if I don't go to school..."and then rolled her eyes. The next time she asked to be a car rider I said "yes, but if you whine all the way to school, I'm not going to want to drive you again". Now that probably sounds awful, but at least it was honest. I was so over the drama. More than that, I was tired of not knowing how to make my child happy. That's all we really want for them, right? So, the next time I drove her she was better. We made it all the way to Sam Lilly without a complaint and she just couldn't stand it. She said that she had 1 thing to say and of course it was that she did not want to go to school. I let her elaborate a little and she talked about a new boy in class and how she hoped he wouldn't be there that day. She said he was mean and a bully. Then she said "is it ok if I pray right here, right now"? Of course I wanted her to pray for me to have more patience, but instead she prayed for that boy not to be there. I told her that a better thing to ask for is kindness from him and not that he would go back to wherever he came from.....
Through it all, Ellie has been very willing to talk it out. She has even cried out for help, literally. One of kids in her class announced to the class that "Ellie is crying again...." The substitute teacher explained that sometimes girls just need to cry sometimes. She then asked the other girls if they ever just feel like crying. I have a feeling that group therapy followed....
A couple of days later when Ellie tried to go to the nurse office, the sub. told her no and with no where else to go, Ellie went to the office. Thankfully Mrs. Sisk was on her break and saw that Ellie was having a tough time. She took Ellie back to her classroom and let her hang out for a while. I asked Ellie what they talked about and she just said the Mrs. Sisk prayed for her. I'm sure Ellie requested that. I was just glad that Mrs Sisk was there for her. I'm sure it helped Ellie understand that even though you can't go back to kindergarten you can at least visit!
Still, no matter what I did or said, Ellie was worried about everything. she told me on a daily basis that her stomach hurt and that she was worried. I asked her if there was anything about school that she liked. She started to sob and said "Do you know what the best part of school is?" I thought she was about to say recess or lunch, but instead she said "Dismissal!" It was a Steel Magnolia moment when you laugh and cry at the same time. She was so distraught, yet humorous. Bless that child's heart. She walks around full of sass, but is probably the most sensitive child I have ever known. Finally on the third Friday I asked her if I needed to make her an appointment with Dr. Gleason or her Guidance Counselor. I thought she would say "sure" and that would appease her for the weekend. Instead she asked me several times if I was going to make the appointments. At first I thought she was more excited about getting to check out of school or getting out of the classroom. But then when I really thought about it I knew that something wasn't right. I knew that I needed to speak to the counselor but I wanted to do it on my own without it being a big deal. So I did, and over the course of the week, things improved tremendously. I learned a lot that week, especially when I went to lunch with Ellie and left the school in tears. I got to see a few of the kids in action. It was mostly the boys, but they were all pretty wound up. One little boy walked up to me and said "you have an ugly face". Another one pretended to smoke and talked about wanting to fight. And yet another got in Ellie's personal space and was "giving her the business" about something. I was walking back from the tray return and only saw him in her face with his chest bowed out. At that point I knew what Ellie had been so stressed out and I felt like Mother of the Year- NOT!
Ellie's teacher is not coming back and they have already found her replacement. It's a teacher that the kids are already know. She has subbed for many of the kindergarten classes and has plenty of teaching experience. We've received more communication in the past 2 days than we have the first 4 weeks. Ellie and I both have better feelings about 1st grade! And I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the bullies!
I'm surprised I was even able to log back into this blog! It has been way too long and even though I have been to North Alabama and taught 2 zumba classes back to back, I knew I had to get in here and write!
Starting first grade and getting back into a routine has been quite difficult for Miss Priss this go 'round. We had such a great kindergarten experience; I guess I expected 1st grade to as well or better. Mrs. Sisk did an excellent job preparing the kids for 1st grade. Ellie knew that it would be a new ballgame but for some reason the thought of homework has really stressed this kid out! For the first 2 weeks she went on and on about homework (even though she didn't have any). She came home everyday talking about how hard 1st grade is and how she wanted to go back to kindergarten. She tried and tried to get out of class. She did overheat on the second day of school and I had to go pick her up, but the next couple of trips to the nurse's office had more to do with anxiety. She came home from school one day and informed Lamar and me that she had been "unconscious" at school that day. Of course I questioned her (I think the school would have called)...she clarified by saying "A-conscious"...again I didn't understand. Lamar translated and what she meant was that she was "anxious".
Back to school anxiety is normal so we expected it to pass. We were very disappointed to learn that Ellie's teacher would be out for a week and a half due to health concerns. She was expected to be back on the 30th, so I tried not to worry. Something told me that she would not be back but I kept hope alive. The week and a half felt like a month. Ellie cried everyday and complained of a stomach-ache. She also talked about the mean boys in her class and even called them bullies. Ellie is known to be a little dramatic so I didn't freak out. I tried to be there for her by taking her school when I could and eating lunch with her. The first time I drove her was dreadful. She did not want to go to school and asked if I would check her out. I had already explained the law, so she prefaced the request by saying "I know it's against the law if I don't go to school..."and then rolled her eyes. The next time she asked to be a car rider I said "yes, but if you whine all the way to school, I'm not going to want to drive you again". Now that probably sounds awful, but at least it was honest. I was so over the drama. More than that, I was tired of not knowing how to make my child happy. That's all we really want for them, right? So, the next time I drove her she was better. We made it all the way to Sam Lilly without a complaint and she just couldn't stand it. She said that she had 1 thing to say and of course it was that she did not want to go to school. I let her elaborate a little and she talked about a new boy in class and how she hoped he wouldn't be there that day. She said he was mean and a bully. Then she said "is it ok if I pray right here, right now"? Of course I wanted her to pray for me to have more patience, but instead she prayed for that boy not to be there. I told her that a better thing to ask for is kindness from him and not that he would go back to wherever he came from.....
Through it all, Ellie has been very willing to talk it out. She has even cried out for help, literally. One of kids in her class announced to the class that "Ellie is crying again...." The substitute teacher explained that sometimes girls just need to cry sometimes. She then asked the other girls if they ever just feel like crying. I have a feeling that group therapy followed....
A couple of days later when Ellie tried to go to the nurse office, the sub. told her no and with no where else to go, Ellie went to the office. Thankfully Mrs. Sisk was on her break and saw that Ellie was having a tough time. She took Ellie back to her classroom and let her hang out for a while. I asked Ellie what they talked about and she just said the Mrs. Sisk prayed for her. I'm sure Ellie requested that. I was just glad that Mrs Sisk was there for her. I'm sure it helped Ellie understand that even though you can't go back to kindergarten you can at least visit!
Still, no matter what I did or said, Ellie was worried about everything. she told me on a daily basis that her stomach hurt and that she was worried. I asked her if there was anything about school that she liked. She started to sob and said "Do you know what the best part of school is?" I thought she was about to say recess or lunch, but instead she said "Dismissal!" It was a Steel Magnolia moment when you laugh and cry at the same time. She was so distraught, yet humorous. Bless that child's heart. She walks around full of sass, but is probably the most sensitive child I have ever known. Finally on the third Friday I asked her if I needed to make her an appointment with Dr. Gleason or her Guidance Counselor. I thought she would say "sure" and that would appease her for the weekend. Instead she asked me several times if I was going to make the appointments. At first I thought she was more excited about getting to check out of school or getting out of the classroom. But then when I really thought about it I knew that something wasn't right. I knew that I needed to speak to the counselor but I wanted to do it on my own without it being a big deal. So I did, and over the course of the week, things improved tremendously. I learned a lot that week, especially when I went to lunch with Ellie and left the school in tears. I got to see a few of the kids in action. It was mostly the boys, but they were all pretty wound up. One little boy walked up to me and said "you have an ugly face". Another one pretended to smoke and talked about wanting to fight. And yet another got in Ellie's personal space and was "giving her the business" about something. I was walking back from the tray return and only saw him in her face with his chest bowed out. At that point I knew what Ellie had been so stressed out and I felt like Mother of the Year- NOT!
Ellie's teacher is not coming back and they have already found her replacement. It's a teacher that the kids are already know. She has subbed for many of the kindergarten classes and has plenty of teaching experience. We've received more communication in the past 2 days than we have the first 4 weeks. Ellie and I both have better feelings about 1st grade! And I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the bullies!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
"You're Goin' Down Grandpa"
My poor baby has walking pneumonia AGAIN. I am posting from the guest bedroom where I have slept for the past couple of nights. Lamar says I am getting too comfortable up here, but I must say the mattresses up here are at lot less worn and I have slept like a baby. Lamar on the other hand has been attending to the princess while she coughs her poor head off through the night. It all started Tuesday night after gymnastics. We went to Logan's (Ellie's favorite place to eat and one of our favorites b/c of the meal bundle they offer for only $19.99!) to celebrate Ellie's promotion from level 1 to level 2. She got a medal and everything! We got home in time to watch American Idol but before the show was over Ellie started hacking and couldn't stop. She went on and on until she threw up in her bed, not missing any portion of the bedding. It was on the sheets, the quilt, the bedskirt, and the carpet. We decided to put her in our bed and I would sleep in the guest bed since I had to go to work the next day. She finally gave out around midnight, going from coughing straight to snoring.
She slept in yesterday and Lamar checked her in to school, hoping that congestion/drainage was to blame for the coughing spell the night before. She has already missed 3 days of school this year and I try not to over-react. Well, the school nurse called for us to pick her up before lunch and I decided she needed to go back to the doctor. She had a similar episode a couple of weeks ago but the Doc decided it was just a cold. Now I'm wondering if she ever got over the pneumonia from January....the doctor said that may be the case or she could have picked it up again. I was worried about swine flu since Milo (next door) just got over it.
Anyway, the diagnosis yesterday meant that Ellie had to stay home from school today. She slept like a baby last night from about 8:00pm to 2:00 am, but then was up until 4:30. She and Lamar went back to sleep until 7:30 or so this morning. Then they spent the whole day together hanging out, watching cartoons, and doing LOTS of laundry. They couldn't wait for me to get home so that we could all load up to go see Dr. Jessica (get out of the house). I saw her this morning but Lamar still needed to go. He wanted to share his lab results from his MD with Jessica and see what he should do next. So we arrived at Southern Pines and went to the very back of the office to the family room where we could all hang out while Lamar got adjusted. I had given Jessica the heads up that his results were deemed "U" for unsatisfactory, so the first thing she said was "so, I hear you are unsatisfactory", and then went on to read the results aloud. One by one she read, and as it turns out there is only 1 area that is truly unsatisfactory and that is vitamin D. After she read the last (unsatisfactory) result, Ellie said to her daddy "You're goin' down Grandpa"! I thought we were all going to wet our pants! This kid's sense of humor is a gift to us all! She was paying attention to Dr. Jessica as if she were just another adult taking part in the conversation. I had to share....
She slept in yesterday and Lamar checked her in to school, hoping that congestion/drainage was to blame for the coughing spell the night before. She has already missed 3 days of school this year and I try not to over-react. Well, the school nurse called for us to pick her up before lunch and I decided she needed to go back to the doctor. She had a similar episode a couple of weeks ago but the Doc decided it was just a cold. Now I'm wondering if she ever got over the pneumonia from January....the doctor said that may be the case or she could have picked it up again. I was worried about swine flu since Milo (next door) just got over it.
Anyway, the diagnosis yesterday meant that Ellie had to stay home from school today. She slept like a baby last night from about 8:00pm to 2:00 am, but then was up until 4:30. She and Lamar went back to sleep until 7:30 or so this morning. Then they spent the whole day together hanging out, watching cartoons, and doing LOTS of laundry. They couldn't wait for me to get home so that we could all load up to go see Dr. Jessica (get out of the house). I saw her this morning but Lamar still needed to go. He wanted to share his lab results from his MD with Jessica and see what he should do next. So we arrived at Southern Pines and went to the very back of the office to the family room where we could all hang out while Lamar got adjusted. I had given Jessica the heads up that his results were deemed "U" for unsatisfactory, so the first thing she said was "so, I hear you are unsatisfactory", and then went on to read the results aloud. One by one she read, and as it turns out there is only 1 area that is truly unsatisfactory and that is vitamin D. After she read the last (unsatisfactory) result, Ellie said to her daddy "You're goin' down Grandpa"! I thought we were all going to wet our pants! This kid's sense of humor is a gift to us all! She was paying attention to Dr. Jessica as if she were just another adult taking part in the conversation. I had to share....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
It's been way too long...
Happy New Year! I've been MIA over the holidays and I am finally ready to get on with it. We did have an extended holiday season with the big game on Jan 7 to top it off! Roll Tide!!!!! Miss Ellie has had a lot going on. She lost her 1st tooth the day before Christmas eve and I am racing against time to get pictures made before her 2 front (top) teeth fall out. I am having a particularly hard time with it because they really take on a whole new look with the permanent teeth. Once the baby teeth are gone, they are gone forever!!!!!!!
With the new year comes a new outlook and I am optimistic about the year to come. The only resolution I made was to try to cut out grains from my diet. Dr. Jessica is behind that one and I must say, that my hip (that gets a lot of exercise at zumba) is feeling pretty good. For about 6 weeks, it was a little achy and was making me nervous. I was really starting to baby it and I felt like I wasn't getting the most out of my zumba classes. I'm a little lop-sided, with 1 leg longer than the other, so I tried some heel-lifts. I tried to convince myself that the lifts were working, but after so long, I decided to give up the grains. One week into it, my hip was noticeably better. Now it may be that it was on the mend all along, but either way, I have drastically cut down on the grains. I still have an occasional tortilla chip or a bite or 2 of cornbread with my greens, but for the most part, I stick with plenty of meat, veggies and fruit. I still eat chocolate (not a grain) and a few potatoes, so the carbs are very present. My weight is the same (darn it) but I still feel successful because I am able to once again LOVE my zumba class! Now that I am able to really move it, move it I can do more and start thinking about burning some more calories and getting rid of some junk!
Well, that's pretty much all I have right now. I am hoping that this post will inspire me to blog more and make sure I continue to document all the hilarious stuff my Ellie does. The blog is titled "world according to Boo"....I am the original Boo-maker so I guess I can hog the post if I want to!
With the new year comes a new outlook and I am optimistic about the year to come. The only resolution I made was to try to cut out grains from my diet. Dr. Jessica is behind that one and I must say, that my hip (that gets a lot of exercise at zumba) is feeling pretty good. For about 6 weeks, it was a little achy and was making me nervous. I was really starting to baby it and I felt like I wasn't getting the most out of my zumba classes. I'm a little lop-sided, with 1 leg longer than the other, so I tried some heel-lifts. I tried to convince myself that the lifts were working, but after so long, I decided to give up the grains. One week into it, my hip was noticeably better. Now it may be that it was on the mend all along, but either way, I have drastically cut down on the grains. I still have an occasional tortilla chip or a bite or 2 of cornbread with my greens, but for the most part, I stick with plenty of meat, veggies and fruit. I still eat chocolate (not a grain) and a few potatoes, so the carbs are very present. My weight is the same (darn it) but I still feel successful because I am able to once again LOVE my zumba class! Now that I am able to really move it, move it I can do more and start thinking about burning some more calories and getting rid of some junk!
Well, that's pretty much all I have right now. I am hoping that this post will inspire me to blog more and make sure I continue to document all the hilarious stuff my Ellie does. The blog is titled "world according to Boo"....I am the original Boo-maker so I guess I can hog the post if I want to!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Boo's Musical Debut

So my Boo performed live on stage in downtown Helena last night. Our intention was to go to Winter Fest at Creekview Elementary but when we got there and there was no place to park (other than hwy 17 practically) Elizabeth and I decided to take the girls to The Depot. When that suggestion was verbalized Elizabeth I and I both held our breath waiting for the objections. Ellie decided to do the unexpected and said "Elizabeth that is the best idea"! Whew....
So we go to the The Depot and I introduce Liz to my usual menu selection- the Philly Cheesesteak add jalapenos and ranch on the side. She went with the half and half onion rings and fries. I know better than to add extra grease to the cheese and jalapenos so I went ala carte. The girls ordered their usual and we headed to a table with 6 chairs- one for each of us and our purses sat in the other 2. We so enjoyed our meal; it was fantastic. Several more parties had entered the restaurant and it finally occured to me that we should probably vacate the 6 top and move on. I mentioned this to Liz and she said "is that why those people are staring at us"? I jumped up to refill my tea and prepared to move on. SJ was still nibbling on her chicken tenders so we moved over to the closest 4 top. I'm not sure what all happened but there was a lot of confusion. Ellie had decided against the usual ice cream treat for dessert and opted for a $1 bouncy ball out of the machine which only took quarters. I had 3 quarters and was fumbling around for another when a nice man handed me his change (as if to say "here take it get the prize and get the heck outta here")...SJ opted for the ice cream but came back with a 9 inch popsicle that was just too much. After a couple of bites she was done. We didn't want to throw it away so we let Ellie have a stab at it.
We grabbed our coats and headed over to Wildflower. Jennifer Parrish told Liz that she and Tyler would be there making candles and they had a band playing outside. We visited with Jennifer for a few minutes while the kids went in an out, in and out....making me nervous that something would be broken in the store. We decided to let the girls listen to the band for a few minutes and by this time there was just a girl and her acoustic guitar. She was really good and reminded me of Taylor Swift. She was taking requests so I told Ellie to ask her if she knows any Taylor Swift. The singer-girl (as Ellie refers to musicians who sing) said yes, would you like to join me on stage to help? Ellie looked at me with maybe a 1/2 ounce of nervousness and then headed for the stage. They discussed their options and decided on the princess song...not sure of the exact title. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't think about my camera in my purse that I could use to video this milestone. Her daddy would have been all over it, making sure that pictures were taken and the whole thing would be captured on video. After Ellie and Alexa sang their duet, SJ joined them for "Our Song". Ellie either knows every word to a song or none of the words....well she knows none of "our song". SJ knew some of the words and hummed the rest. They had a great time and I was beaming. I was so wishing Lamar could have been there, but he had a gig of his own in Adger. I was so disgusted with myself for not getting all on video. Thankfully Mandee did; I don't know her but I am so glad she got the video and emailed it so quickly. Of course Liz made sure it got to my inbox! I have attached a small sample...
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